A la sombra de las águilas

Adventure Drama History

In 6 AD Emperor Tiberius is warned by the Senate in Rome of the threat posed by the Germanic tribes revolting in the northern province of Pannonia. Tribune Marcus Venditius is entrusted with the insignia of the 7th Legion and orde...

Tous les titres
  • IT: All'ombra delle aquile All'ombra delle aquile
  • BG: В сянката на орела В сянката на орела
  • DK: Under Ørnens Skygge Under Ørnens Skygge
  • FR: L'ombre des aigles L'ombre des aigles
  • GR: Sti skia ton aeton Sti skia ton aeton
  • IT: All'ombra delle aquile All'ombra delle aquile
  • ES: A la sombra de las águilas A la sombra de las águilas
  • US: In the Shadow of the Eagles In the Shadow of the Eagles
  • YU: U senci orlova U senci orlova
Lien IMDb
